Donation Based Mellow Yoga with Meditation and Journaling | Sundays from 4 – 5:15 pm

Donation Based Mellow Yoga with Meditation and Journaling with Elizabeth Matchefts

Sundays from 4 – 5:15 pm – Please register before class to save your spot.

Yoga is more than physical movement- it is an invitation to cultivate a meaningful, harmonious and self-aware life. In this series, we will explore the yamas, which guide how we interact with the world, and the niyamas, which focus on personal habits for inner growth. Join Mellow Yoga for gentle movement, meditation, and journaling, as we reflect and integrate the principles of the yamas and niyamas into daily life. This is a donation based offering. All are welcome including those new to yoga. All proceeds will be donated to: Jay’s Light, a non-profit organization that spreads the awareness of mental health.

Register here: Studio Calendar